This is a print-screen of our works so far. We are inspired by everything: nature, geometry and human itself. Monochrome, colourful or in varying tones of only one colour. Depends on specific mood or our clients mood too :) hehe. We love our work.

MURALS | WALLPAPERS | FABRICS | DESIGN | We are two friends with passion for art. Architect and Interior Designer joined together to create DESIGN FOR FUN. A lot of hard work, little bit of talent and a pinch of luck it is our recipe for success. Our products are designed, manufactured and some hand made in Poland. Find us #eddesignforfun
sobota, 30 sierpnia 2014
wtorek, 26 sierpnia 2014
This time we want to show you our geometric craziness. Lately we design a lot of geometric wallpapers and posters. We do it because You love it. We are getting a lot of likes and warm comments about our works. Thank you for all and just keep working, just keep working.
środa, 20 sierpnia 2014
niedziela, 17 sierpnia 2014
This time we want to present you few azulejos inspirations straight from colourful Lisbon's streets. Blue and white, green and any other colour. Organic and geometric. Old and new. Lisbon is inspiriting,
piątek, 15 sierpnia 2014
wtorek, 5 sierpnia 2014
This new set of wallpapers is inspired by organic nature. Nobility and uniqueness of the natural material which is stone. Stones in crazy variation of colours, shades and shapes.
niedziela, 3 sierpnia 2014
There is another PROMOTION available now - Free Shipping + $10 Off New Duvet Covers with our link! Click ED design for fun or the picture above and enjoy your favourite duvet cover. Promotion on ED design for fun's products thru August 10, 2014, worldwide!
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